It is interesting that continuity requests
appeared before more than 70 years. Everyday training during season was being
recommended. However, this request is accepted pretty much earlier, when many
adaptation laws on training influences were discovered.
of training process is featured with three basic assumptions:
1) Sports
training is built as a multiyear process that ensures the best effect of sports
specialization and maximum sport results achievement.
2) Relation
between the parts of training process is ensured through connecting of fast,
delayed and cumulative training effects.
3) Exertion
and rest changes in training process should ensure optimal conditions for
training progress and maximum expression of sportsmen possibilities.
It is seen, from the written text, that training process continuity is not
related on two trainings connection, or two microcycles, but, practically, on
whole sportsmen carriere. In ideal situation, during carriere sportsmen doesn’t
lose training continuity, unless in shorter periods of time, when he needs rest
and recovery. That is specially related to top sportsmen.
It is often said that champions never return,
even if they train very hard and properly. Answer to the question “Why?” should
be looked adaptation and deadaptation processes.
material responsible for organism adaptation(RNK and proteins) is not uniformly
spaced at people and isn’t inexhaustible. Each unit disposes with specified
“amount” of this material, which means that people are differently gifted to
adapt on training influences. Except of that, it should be carefully “expended”
during carriere. It is thought
that people are capable to handle summary maximal exertions only about 4 years
of training. These four years have to be in the growth that is optimal for
achieving the top results.
Each longer break in training, leads to training regression. When it is started
again with training, genetic potential
is exhausted for return on the previous training level, except of jump to the
higher training level. Sportsmen that multiple times lose and return
training level, pay the bigger adaptation prize, than sportsmen that respect
continuity process.
Reserches of scientists whose main area is
adaptation, have shown that multiplied losing and returning of high training
level, under big loads, leads to organs damage which are part of the system
responsible for adaptation. Respecting
of continuity principles in training leads to economic usage of natural
potentials, keeping training and adaptation level, health keep and longtermness
in sport.
Researches have shown that everyday trainings,
once of more times during the day, and condensed exertion-rest regime, help to
keep or increase physical abilities level, technical- tactical skills and
resistance to negative fatique influences. In practical work that is different
with different growth and sports level sportsmen.
At young athletes is sufficient to train
normally 1-2 times, in weak microcycles, apply bigger loads. That training
regime would be unload or maintenance for top athlete – they train two or more
times per day, and during seven days cycle adjust 4-7 trainings of big(not
maximal) load.
Training effects can be quick, delayed and
training effects are
changes in the organism condition in the end of simple training. Changes are
expressed in all physiological systems if the load on training was big enough.
Basic feature of fast training effect is decrease in the level of physical
working ability, especially in areas that were the subject of unique training.
training effects depends of time between two trainings.
Three types can be differed:
First typ is featured by insufficient
recovery of physical working ability because time between two trainings was
short to enable coming to complete recovery. If trainings of same direction
would be stringed, athlete would soon start to show the signs of overtraining.
That is the reason why, after few trainings, done in the conditions of
insufficient recovery, is given rest to the athletes, which leads to recovery
and abilities supercompensation. These way of work is acquirable with
development of basic and specific endurance.
Second typ of delayed training effect is
seen with usual training work, when till the next training enough time passes
to establish beginning level of the physical work ability. This type of
training effects doesn’t lead athletes to the higher levels, but it is very
capable for training work that requires stabile conditions. About work- rest
relation through training process, there are three possibilities: a) repeated
load is received with non-sufficient organism recovery; b) repeated load is
received when traces of the last disappeared; c) repeated load is received in
the phase of supercompensation.
3) For
third typ is featured the phase of supercompensation –
increasing of physical work ability. This way of training leads to total
increase in physical abilities, because athlete is capable to do the work of
bigger summary load size.
training effects is the sum of fast and delayed training effects of training.
Result of this effects summing is stabilizing or increasing of training
condition. In sportsmen
organism it comes to changes in its structure and function. In which direction
will that changes go, depends on training structures.
after big loads lasts for more than 24 hours. However, recovery goes
heterochrono, which enables to be trained everyday, cause some organism
functions are recovered faster. Along with that, heterochrono runs adaptation
processes, too. This fact enabled everyday training, more trainings in the day,
summary increase of training loads and significant abilities increase without
danger of overtraining. That
means – it is needed to build the training deliberately, because there is no
only one, but many variants that can give good results.
"Basics of sports training",
Vladimir Koprivica
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