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5. 3. 2012.

Recognition of an athlete in good sports form

Athlete that is in good sports form can be recognized by following facts:
1)      Starts training easy and fast, needs less time to warm-up and achieve needed work temperature;
2)      Handles the loads easy;
3)      Handles load changes without much problems;
4)      Athlete is capable of doing specific muscle work on so high level of force, speed, endurance and coordination; that is not available when he is out of form;
5)      Athlete trains economically – for same work athlete expends less energy;
6)      Technic- tactic training works at the highest level;
7)      Arsenal of skills that he rules is being applied without any difficulties;
8)      He feels himself easy when transferring from one type of training to the other;
9)      Less number of errors is made by the athlete;
10)  New skills are being adopted faster by the athlete;
11)  After competition, organism functions are recovered pretty fast;
12)  Psychological component is on the highest level, and psychological fatique remains on the lowest level, without creating any mental barriers;
13)  Athlete is in very positive emotional state;
14)  Athlete has very emphasized wish to train and compete;
15)  Combat mood is present;
16)  Athlete firmly believes in his own possibilities;
17)  Athlete acquires better results;
18)  Athlete is more focused on training and games, and less on surround factors;
19)  Athlete simply can’t wait for match to get started in order to show the best performance;
20)  Athletes’ reaction time is significantly quicker;
21)  Athlete has a lot more ideas during match;
22)  Athlete thinks faster and more rationally.

"Periodization, theory and methodology of training", Tudor Bompa
"Basics of sports training", Vladimir Koprivica

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