- Anti-inflammatory, anti-alergic
and immunosuppressive effect;
- Gluconeogenesis stimulation;
- Antagonism of vitamin D
effects in organism(osteoporosis);
- Stimulation of hydrochloric
acid in gaster( gastric ulcer);
- Changing of cell processes
regulation(influence on gene expression);
- Stimulus of central nervous
system(euphoria) and other effects.
Therapy glycocorticoids are synthetized with
goal to emphasize some of this substance effects, and especially its
anti-inflammatory and anti-alergic effect.
in sport
Anti-inflammatory(pain removal) and stimulative
effect on CNS are basic motives to use these substances as doping in sport.
In 1975 Medic commission(International Olympic
Comitee) defined therapy appliance of corticosteroids at athletes during
Allowed local use means appliance in
ophtamology, dermatology and otorinolaringology. But, intraarticular use is
also allowed, just as the appliance of inhalation therapy in the cases of astma
or other opstructive illnesses of airways.
If there is therapeutic excuse for use of this
hormone, it is necessary that in proper way, in written form, before
competition, to inform the commission.
other administration is not allowed in sport(oral, vein, muscular and rectal).
Rectal administration can also lead to increase
in these hormone level, just as the oral use.
Long-term use of bigger corticosteroids
dose(with sudden stop in use) can lead to following effects:
- Adrenal glandula suppression(these leads to inhibitory effect of
applied corticosteroids on ACTH secretion. In the case of sudden stop,
addinamia is reported)
- Cushing’s syndrome( hyperglycemia, diabetes, osteoporosis,
acne, insomnia, body mass increase, increased hair growth at females…)
- Gastric ulcer
- Decrease of organism
resistance to infections
- Psychosis and other effects.
Glycocorticoids in urine can be detected
through methods gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
“Doping in sport”, Marina Djordjevic Nikic
“Doping in sport”, Marina Djordjevic Nikic
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