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13. 8. 2012.

Hip flexion test

The objective of this test is to monitor the development of the athlete’s hip flexors(the muscles that lift your knees).

How to conduct the test

The test is conducted as follows:
  • The athlete lies on their back.
  • The athlete lifts the left knee and using their hands pulls the left knee to their chest.
  • Normal flexibility is indicate when their right leg remains flat on the floor.
  • Hip flexors are considered tight if, as they attempt to lift their their left knee toward their chest, their right leg leaves the floor.
  • Repeat with your other leg.


Analysis of the result is by comparing it with the results of previous tests. It is expected that, with appropriate training between each test, the analysis would indicate an improvement.

Target group

This test is suitable for active individuals but not for those where the test would be contraindicated.


Reliability would depend upon how strict the test is conducted and the individual’s level of motivation to perform the test.


There are published tables to relate results to potential level of fitness and the correlation is high.

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